- 101 Cookbooks
- Always With Butter
- Anice&Cannella
- Appetite
- Beyond [the Plate]
- Call Me Cupcake
- Cannelle et Vanille
- Il Cavoletto di Bruxelles
- La Ciliegina Sulla Torta
- Cook Your Dream
- La Cucina di Calycanthus
- Cuoca Precaria
- David Lebovitz
- delicious:days
- Dessert for Breakfast
- Food Politics
- Food0grafia
- Fork Spoon Knife
- Forty-Sixth at Grace
- Foto e Fornelli
- Fragole a Merenda
- FrancescaV
- Gourmande In The Kitchen
- Katia & Kitchen
- Kitchen Bloody Kitchen
- Mela & Cannella
- Mollica di Pane
- Nordljus
- Pure Vegetarian by Lakshmi
- Scrumptious Photography
- She Who Eats
- Simply Photo
- Smitten Kitchen
- So Long And Thanks For all The Food
- Souvlaki For The Soul
- Spicie Foodie
- Lo Spilucchino
- Still Life With
- Tartelette
- La Tartine Gourmande
- Tzatziki a Colazione
- What Katie Ate
- What's for Lunch, Honey?
- White on Rice Couple
- White Plate
- Wrightfood

- Adriana Mullen
- Barbara Torresan Styling
- Chris Court
- Con Poulos
- Danielle Etsi
- Food Pixels
- Katie Quinn Davies
- Laksmi Photography
- Penny De Los Santos
- Sabra Krock

- The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook
- Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes
- Desserts by Pierre Herme
- Food Styling for Photographers
- Food Stylist's Handbook
- Low Budget Shooting
- Mes Confitures: The Jams and Jellies of Christine Ferber
- My Bread: The Revolutionary No-Work, No-Knead Method
- Photoshop for Dummies
- Still Life and Special Effects Photography