Friday, November 6, 2009

Beet Salad with Parmigiano and Ginger

Beet Salad with Parmigiano and Ginger

With 26.2 miles in my legs and the fifth marathon in my pocket, we slowly go back to the old habits.

Beside the medal, new aches and an undefined number of books that I purchased with no shame, this year I bring back again the memory of the notes of New York, New York that mark the start of the run on this side of the Verrazzano Bridge, of the sound of thousands of steps on Queensboro Bridge, of the screaming crowd that welcomes you warmer than ever at the entrance in Manhattan, of that 1st Avenue, slightly uphill, so long and exhausting, that you'd think it'll never end, of the excitement of entering Central Park feeling like you were the main hero, of the last 400 meters when you run through all your energies, and of the congratulations of people while you walk home in the late afternoon, wearing the unique medal around the neck.

To feel the excitement again and to be still under the illusion of living in Manhattan, I made myself this salad, tasted and tasted again in a very cool place in the Lower East Side. A pinch of ginger and the harmless addition of a little onion give a special touch that create the atmosphere of a calm New York night.

Beet Salad
with Parmigiano and Ginger

for two people

arugula and mix greens
beet, possibly of two colors(red and golden) 2
shaved parmigiano cheese
small red onion 1/2
freshly grated ginger to taste
salt, pepper, olive oil, balsamic vinegar to taste

Clean the beets by cutting the leaves and pairing the edges. Put them in a small baking pan, cover with water half way through and bake at 400 for about 45 minutes or until they are tender. While they are baking, turn them around every once in a while and add more water if needed. Let them cool off, then peel and cut them in small cubes. You can also boil them in water instead, but if roasted, the flavor is more intense.
Peel the onion and mince it finely. Add it to the greens and mix well. Prepare a vinaigrette by mixing olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and freshly grated ginger, and dress the salad greens with it. Cover with beet cubes and shaved parmigiano cheese. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper.


  1. حمض البوريك يُشكّل حمض البوريك (بالإنجليزية: Boric Acid) حلّاً فعّالاً للقضاء على النمل الأبيض، والصراصير، وباقي أنواع النمل، ويتمّ استخدامه من خلال صنع عجينة باستخدام مادة البروبلين غليكول، ثمّ فرد العجينة على قطع الأثاث والأسطح الخشبيّة التي تحتوي على النمل الأبيض، كما يُنصح بارتداء القفّازات عند صنع العجينة وفردها، ويُمكن وضع جزء منها في أعشاش النمل الأبيض الموجودة في الأرض، أو نثر مسحوق حمض البوريك في الأعشاش وعلى حوافّ المنزل؛ وذلك لمنع النمل الأبيض من الدخول إلى المنزل.

    شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريدة
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بحائل
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقصيم
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء
